Stephen Peroni
A physics teacher at North Shore High School. He has a BS and MS in physics education. He started the team 15 years ago. As the lead mentor Mr. Peroni helps manage administrative and technical areas of the team. He has two daughters and loves to snowboard and go camping.
Josh Song
Josh is a RoboGym Alumni who is currently attending Binghamton University for Mechanical Engineering. He was a 5 year member of RoboGym, and is now mentoring students on all technical areas.
Paul Spivack
He currently works in property management and construction. He became a member of RoboGym during his son’s second year on the team and has remained with the team after his son moved on to college. This is now his 9th year as a mentor. He helps the team with fundraising and sponsorship. During build season he also helps with pretty much anything that needs to be done from carpentry to safety. He is also able to leap tall buildings in a single bound.
Alex Bischoff
Alex is RoboGym Alumni and is currently enrolled in a Mechanical Engineering program at Northeastern. He is mentoring our drive team and cad teams.
Ryan Bridgwood
Mr. Bridgwood is an Elementary STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math) teacher at each of the Elementary Schools in the district. Before becoming a teacher, he worked as an engineer after receiving his degrees in Biomedical Engineering and Applied Mathematics from Binghamton University. He joins Robogym as the Programming and Control Systems Mentor, helping the team learn how to program and control the behavior of the robot. Random fact: his favorite animal is the capybara (they’re adorable, look them up).
Nanette Bischoff
Nan has been a staple on RoboGym since 2017. She helped start our non-profit organization is a leader behind the scenes during our build season, competition seasons, and beyond. From helping organize food, competition lodging and events, and end of year banquets, Nan can get it done. Both of her children are RoboGym alumni, and she continues to give back. A big Flex!
Randyn Tarnoff (Raytheon)
Randyn currently works as a software engineer in New York City. He plans to acquire a degree in mechanical engineering. He has been involved in FRC for five years and specializes in CAD and central design. In his free time, he codes, participate in musical theater, sings in a cappella, and drinks seltzer. He can also play the trombone, make mashups, edit videos, do digital design, and digitally draw.